
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ways to Use Pictures with Kids

Kids have an amazing ability to learn, though sometimes it takes a while for them to be able to verbalize their knowledge, needs, or wants. I love to incorporate some non-verbal means of communication into my interactions to help kids express themselves more easily. Kids are very observant and quite visual, so I find myself using pictures with not only the kids I work with as a speech therapist, but also with kids at church and my own kids at home. Here are some ways I love to use pictures:

Make an activity choice chart. When my kids were having trouble thinking of things to do to entertain themselves, I put together a chart that had pictures of a bunch of activities I knew they liked. I stuck it in a sheet protector and hung it on the fridge. Then, whenever they complained of boredom, I just pointed to the list and said, "Pick anything you want!" They felt very powerful having so many options and I loved being able to say, "Yes! You can do that!"

Make a chore chart. Some kids love being able to be in charge of their own chores and routines, but their level of "doneness" may not be up to our standards. When you provide pictures of what needs to be done, the child can visualize how much is left. The pictures can be pulled off the chart, covered up, crossed off, etc. to provide a visualization of completion. I used pictures like this on a chore chart for Andrew that had flaps to fold down over each item when they were complete.

Make a schedule. When I teach primary or preschool or work with certain kids as a speech therapist, I use a picture schedule. This consists of laminated pictures that are attached to a schedule board with velcro. As each item is completed, it's pulled off and put in an "all done" pocket or envelope. Kids can even help choose the order of the pictures when you put them on the schedule (then it's their own fault if they don't like what comes next!). If you don't have the fancy laminated pictures to use over and over, you can always draw one or create one on the computer. Kids can cross off the pictures as they complete each item. We even use schedules for birthday parties to keep the craziness somewhat under control.

Tell stories. My kids love when Dad tells stories and draws pictures at the same time. Andrew has always loved to draw, and it's almost as much fun to watch the process as it is to see the finished product because he tells such fun stories while drawing.

Make a kid shopping list. I hate grocery shopping. I really hate grocery shopping with children. I try to take advantage of the Fred Meyer nearby because they have a kid's land for the little ones to play (supervised by a sweet old lady who works there) while I shop. But when it's full or we are there before it opens, I sometimes have to be creative to keep the kids from tearing each other's hair out. One thing they have enjoyed is a small sheet of paper with their own "grocery list" (pictures I drew of some of the foods we need). I always choose things they really like so they are extra motivated to make sure we remember them. They get to cross it off the list when we put it in the basket.

Teach songs. There are so many resources on the internet that contain visuals to go along with Primary songs. Try working on the Primary song for the month (Did you know Primary kids work on the same song Church-wide for several months of the year? Find them in the Outline for Sharing Time on during FHE each week. Print off pictures for the kids to follow along.

What are ways you have used pictures with your kids or with other kids you've worked with?


  1. I love this idea! I have a friend whose son has speech delay and they use pictures all the time. It is amazing to me how well he can communicate using the pictures. I should start doing this more with Porter.

  2. Thanks for these great ideas, Bethany! I especially love the activity idea chart! I created a picture chart of 5 things McKay has to do before bed, and it is on his wall right by his bed. So every night, we check it and make sure all 5 things are completed. It is a nice way to not be a nagging mom!

  3. I need to use pictures more! We have used picture chore charts but I've gotten lax with them. We used picture prayer cards when Zeke was first learning to pray and that was great to get him more excited about it. We also used Shelley's idea of pictures for talks last week and that was fun too!
