
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Child Independence

Today's post isn't related to what I studied in college, but it is something I think benefits all of us and it has been on my mind recently. Teaching children to be independent will (eventually) make life easier for you as the mom, and more importantly, it boosts a child's self confidence. One reason this topic has been on my mind is because all kids make mistakes and do things that make us want to scream. :) But, the more we can encourage and positively reinforce them doing things on their own, the more confidence they will have to 1) make good choices and 2) naturally do things without the help of you.

McKay has given a few talks in primary over the past year. Each time I have to help him a lot, which is fine. This last time, however, I decided that giving a talk is probably something he really could start doing by himself and is also something that would boost his confidence. His topic was "Heavenly Father has a plan for us." So I drew 5 pictures and he looked at the pictures to remind him what to say. 1) Heavenly Father gave us a body. 2) He gave us a family. 3) He wants us to be baptized. 4) He wants us to go to the temple. 5) He wants us to be happy. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Of course, the ultimate goal would be for me to stand in the back and just watch him be magnificent at the young age of 4 (ha ha), but he needed a little help with the title (since there wasn't a picture for that, he had a hard time remembering). Once I reminded him of the title, he said everything else on his own without my help. Yay!

Some of you may already do this with your kids and that is awesome! I don't in any way share this to make you think that I am an amazing parent because obviously, we all have areas we can improve. But, after spending 3.5 years in primary, I saw the whole gamut of primary talks. The sweetest, most moving talks from the little kids were the ones that were simple and not over-done. Helping children learn to give talks in primary will definitely be a boon to their self-confidence and their speaking skills!

That's all. Thanks for reading. :) And don't be making fun of my drawings. :)


  1. That's a great idea! I think kids feel so good about themselves when they can be independent, too. And I love your drawings, Shelley--much better than mine would be!

  2. Love it, Shelley! Being in Primary, I also see a lot of talks that would be more fit for Sacrament Meeting in length. When they get too long (either being read or whispered in the ear), the other children can't focus and get the message. How special for McKay to give a talk all on his own, and I love your idea on how to make that happen! I'm sure they miss you in Primary :) I also noticed how you let your Nelson eat by himself at a really early age, and that motivated me to let Anna eat by herself more to gain more independence.

  3. I love this idea as well. We used something similar to help Zeke learn about praying as well, I hadn't thought of doing drawings for talks though!
