I've been trying to enjoy my last few months with Zeke before he starts Kindergarten. So we started Mom and Zeke preschool to replace his preschool that he finished. We found a song on you tube here about the planets in our solar system. Zeke has had a fascination with the phases of the moon and I decided to try to expand that. Zeke loves the planet song and wants to watch it every day and I often here him singing under his breath "My name is Mars, I am red in color, the fourth planet from the sun!"
So we decided to find a solar system craft to work on during preschool. We found this one here and decided to use yarn instead of embroidery floss. Zeke helped pick out the balloons and cut the yarn but he didn't want to get his hands dirty with the glue and yarn. Apparently getting his hands dirty is just an outside thing. After they all dried we popped the balloons and soon discovered that you want to loosen up the yarn from the balloon before popping. Our poor sun looks a little worse for the wear.
We got all the planets hung up in his room yesterday and it has been a fun way to keep learning about the planets and why they are different colors and the storms and rings on them and how they orbit. Mostly it has been fun to watch Zeke so excited about learning!
Such a fun idea!